Automating Sales Performance: Should you build, or buy?

18 April 2011


Sales Management Association underwriter The TAS Group advises clients on Sales Performance Automation – a “salesperson centric approach to increasing revenue, improving sales forecasts and metrics, and continually reinforcing best practices.” SPA uses technology to enable sales methodology, and deliver just-in-time training to salespeople when it matters the most – at the point in the sales process when skill acquisition is most contextually relevant. Companies that create SPA environments stand to benefit mightily. 

In paper recently posted in the Sales Management Association Resource Library, TAS Group examines the build or buy decision confronting firms that undertake SPA initiatives. The article poses the questions that firms must answer, and the costs they must account for, in contracting with an outside resource, or rolling their own SPA system. The article includes a handy summary table for cost estimation. Members log in to download a copy in the Resource Library; non-members download a copy here.

About the Author
Bob Kelly

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