Workshop: Why CRM Fails… and What to Do About It

13 October 2015


You’ve invested significant time and money in your CRM system, yet the ROI is difficult to find. You’ve trained and re-trained your sales force, yet your user adoption still suffers. You’ve done everything you know to do… So what now

Join Tom Disantis from Vantage Point as he delves into this all too common challenge of a lackluster CRM performance. Hear research and observations that reveal:

  • Which NON-technical challenges lead to low user adoption
  • How to transform CRM from an obligation to an advantage
  • How front-line sales managers make or break the rollout
  • What sales operations and leadership can do to affect long-term change

You will leave this session with new perspectives on why CRM fails and several practical actions to improve your CRM’s performance.

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