Sales Operations Sales operations leaders typically set sales quota based on historical performance, and a rough estimate of expected incremental growth. More advanced approaches might also utilize some factored value from each person’s sales funnel. Add to these basic approaches a little bit of stretch goal (because we all know...Read more
We’ve assembled three pieces of sales coaching content from our Resource Library, and we’re making it available free to non-members! The kit includes slides from the Sales Management Association’s recent Sales Coaching Practices Research, a Manager’s One-on-One Coaching Session Worksheet from AXIOM Sales Force Development, and a presentation from Callidus...Read more
Sizing the Sales Force View more presentations from The Sales Management Association Is your sales force the right size? That’s a question many CxOs ask this time of year at the approach of the budgeting and planning season. On Tuesday of this week Axtria's Charlie Thompson will lead a webcast...Read more
Dave Stein lays down five fundamental rights for salespeople and their first-line managers. It's a post worth reading if you're serious about providing quality training to your sales organization. "You have the right to be: Assessed for your individual strengths and weaknesses, Educated and trained in areas where you need...Read more
We’re looking forward to our upcoming workshop in Chicago, Mastering Sales Management. Held in conjunction with DePaul University’s Center for Sales Leadership, the workshop will feature speakers from The Sales Management Association and Vantage Point Performance. The workshop offers an advanced survey of competencies shared by high performing sales leaders,...Read more
Everything, Including the Kitchen Sink In today’s computer-enabled workforce, information technology has become as integral to a world-class sales effort as are great products and superior salespeople. Customer relationship management, sales force automation, Internet sites, communication platforms, and other applications are now the mission-critical infrastructure that links buyers to sellers...Read more
To understand the key changes and new trends in line-of-business sales, I’ve had plenty of interesting discussions with sales managers at different levels in the past year. It’s clear from these conversations that revenue, profit, and reliable forecasts are still the top KPIs for measuring the success of sales executives....Read more

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