Leading remote selling teams in the COVID-19 crisis will require different forms of leadership than most sales managers have had to practice before. In this new environment, sales managers must find new ways to communicate, delegate, manage, coach, and motivate their sales, call center, and service employees in a distributed work environment – compounded by marketplace uncertainty. Successful leaders will find ways to increase empowerment and confidence, take their culture online, and learn to build trusted relationships on digital platforms.
In this session, General (Ret.) Stanley McChrystal will share lessons and insights in both crisis leadership and digital leadership. His teachings will be influenced by the revolutions in warfare he confronted – and led through – as the Commander of Joint Special Operations Command through the bloodiest years of our fighting against Al Qaeda in Iraq. But they will be modern, and influenced by ten years of consulting with some of the world’s largest brands and corporations on their performance.
In his session he will teach the importance of:
- Transparent, constant communication to shift your teams into a war footing for an uncertain environment
- Empowering and enabling remote employees on the edge of the organization to make decisions and act quickly
- Investing in information technology systems and advanced analytics to provide transparency and tools to every member of the revenue team
- Speeding up the operating rhythm of your company to match the speed of change in the marketplace