Sales Force Productivity Conference • Online

25 March 2020


Sales Force Productivity Conference Online

The dedicated conference website is now available.

Join thousands of leading practitioners in sales effectiveness, sales enablement, sales operations, and sales leadership at the Sales Management Association’s first online conference. This isn’t a conference planned as an in-person event and forced to go online. Instead, we’re crafting an online experience from the ground up to be “virtual-first,” and we think it will offer our audience a compelling look at the future of online conferences. It will feature:

  • Main stage presentations from a curated list of thought leaders presenting on topics relevant to sales leadership, and leaders in sales operations, sales enablement, learning and development, sales support, and commercial effectiveness.
  • Interactive workshops with practicing managers on tactical “how-to” topics.
  • Online manager-to-manager networking and contact exchange organized by segmented interests, in a compelling and fun “speed dating” format.
  • Expo of technology and solution providers offering blind demos, free content, live Q&A, and opt-in-only follow-up response.

Conference Topics

Sales organizations have operated in a context of quickening change for a decade. Now the sales force must take on change of unprecedented magnitude and urgency. Few in the organization will be asked to adapt as quickly as the sales organization, and few can have a greater impact on the success of the firm in challenging times. Participants will find conference content timely and relevant to their own efforts to adapt their sales organizations in the face of crisis. Topics include:

  • Change leadership and change implementation
  • Rapid digitization of in-person sales activities
  • Best practice approaches to online learning and development for sales
  • Sales strategy and planning approaches leaders are using to adapt to current circumstances and prepare for the future
  • Adapting sales process in change intensive environments
  • Adjusting incentives, goals, and performance management to accommodate demand crash (or surge)
  • Coaching and managing remote teams
  • Emerging applications and technology solutions for sales productivity and communication

Conference topics will showcase exemplary approaches to change leadership in sales, highlighting best practice organizations, effective process, and enabling technology sales organizations are using today to adapt to fast moving and uncertain conditions brought about by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and to prepare their organizations for future success.

Register on the main conference website.



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