Managing Salespeople in the Do-What-You-Love World

16 September 2014


How should sales managers lead in an age where "Do What You Love" is the dominant mantra in society?

A popular approach is for organizations to make their work seem "lovable". Apple, for instance, tells its sales staff that they are "doing something far grander than just selling or fixing products". Yet despite the acclaim this strategy has received, the reality is that Apple faces serious employee retention and NPS problems in its retail stores. This session will provide additional evidence that inspirational leadership often falls on deaf ears in sales teams and make the claim that sales managers have bigger fish to fry. In particular, it will be argued that hiring models, job descriptions, career paths, onboarding experiences, and coaching styles need to be uprooted for the sales profession to thrive in the DWYL movement.

Session participants will learn:

  • How to hire salespeople who will love their jobs
  • How to craft job descriptions for current salespeople who are not in love with their jobs
  • How to create career paths that make sales organizations lovable
  • How to facilitate success early on in salespeople's tenure to generate love at first sight
  • How to coach poor fitting salespeople out of organizations and into jobs they will love
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