Managing Sales in Emerging Markets: Help Us Influence Upcoming Research

17 December 2013


Emerging MarketsLater this winter I’ll present with several leading marketing academics on the topic “Personal Selling and Sales Management in Emerging Markets: A Research Agenda” at the 2014 American Marketing Association’s Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference. I’m looking for perspective on which aspects of this issue might be most important to the Sales Management Association community.

My esteemed co-panelists are Jag Sheth (Goizueta Business School) – among the leading scholars on emerging markets; Ajay Kohli (Georgia Tech) – the most recent past editor of the Journal of Marketing, and a leading scholar in the sales domain; Rodirigo Gueselaga (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile); and Dimitri Kapelianis (University of New Mexico). They’ll bring an impressive academic research focus to a topic of great importance to many firms searching for growth prospects.

I’d like my own contribution to the effort to include input from our community of practitioners – sales and sales effectiveness leaders in day-to-day management roles. Time permitting, we’ll also launch a modest research effort to further explore these issues before February. This is a great opportunity to influence the academic research agenda to focus on issues that matter most to management.

What issues do you find most important and challenging in your own business? I am particularly interested in issues that relate to sales management and sales force leadership. Please drop me a line privately or leave a comment here, I’d welcome your ideas.

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