Diagnosing Growth Bottlenecks in the Sales and Value Delivery Chain

7 June 2022


Large firms often have multi-solution offerings, matrixed sales roles and teams, and layers of channels and go-to-market routes. When growth falters in one part of such firms, it’s often difficult to diagnose where the problem lies and how to address it. This session focuses on diagnosing growth bottlenecks and capability gaps in complex selling organizations.

Using a layered framework that treats market presence, product portfolio, buyer segments, and value positioning, TIBCO‘s Jesse Sladek illustrates why sales leaders must consider their growth capability a “system of systems.” Understanding each part of the system helps management make sober assessments of current capability, align offerings in ways that drive the most customer value, and zero in on the sales process and tactical bottlenecks to fix in order to get growth back on track.

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