Research First Look: Measuring Sales Compensation Program Impact

26 January 2022


Join us for a first look at new research on sales compensation program impact. The research considers how firms measure sales compensation impact, including the degree to which they consider salesperson sentiment and satisfaction when judging program effectiveness.
The research quantifies the business value of incorporating field input on sales compensation programs, including its impact on overall sales compensation program effectiveness and sales force productivity.

Sales organizations’ largest single expense (by far) is salesperson compensation. For other firm functions, payroll expense is predictable and not often considered a strategic lever. Sales compensation plans, on the other hand, are rarely the same from firm to firm. They change frequently with management priorities. They include fixed elements (salary) and often complicated variable elements (commissions, bonuses) - and they address a group of professionals whose strong opinions about their own compensation often include keen insight into the competitive pay practices of market competitors.

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