Rethinking the B2B Sales Funnel

23 April 2020

Traditional sales funnels have limited value in even the stablest of markets. Educated buyers often enter a supplier's sales funnel much later than expected, reducing opportunities for sellers to influence buying decisions. With the sudden onset of a global pandemic, demand and buying behavior are even more unpredictable, causing companies all over the world to re-think how they sell.
Join us for a panel discussion focused on how B2B sales and buying processes are changing, and how firms are adapting selling efforts in response.
Topics include:
  1. The sales funnel today - what it looks like and how has it changed.
  2. The impact of the current crisis on sales.
  3. Effective B2B sales during uncertain times.
  4. How effective are traditional sales methods today?
  5. Redefining roles - the evolution of sales and marketing roles.
  6. Disruptive tech and how it has influenced the sales cycle.
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