CSO vs. CFO Conflict: Winning the Battle for Growth Investment

17 September 2014


Chief Sales Officers routinely butt heads with corporate CFOs. For the most part, this is a natural consequence of their assigned roles in the corporate ecosystem. Understanding these roles can go along way toward effectively resolving CSO vs. CFO conflict.

CSOs are tasked with growth, and with expanding the firm’s marketplace relationships. Accountable for achieving sales objectives, CSOs must also lead and motivate the sales force’s often disparate collection of independent contributors. CFOs, on the other hand, are more likely to consider growth initiatives in the context of the firm’s overall financial objectives – including those related to earnings, expense management, public reporting, and fiduciary controls. 

When inevitable conflicts occur, they often center on strategic choices: growth vs. profitability, how best to invest scarce resources, and which functions yield the most value to the firm. This interactive workshop suggests ways sales leaders can constructively engage CFOs, make a compelling case for growth, and best organize the sales organization’s concerns in the context of firm strategy. 

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