There have been many stories in the press recently about the challenges associated with organic revenue growth. China’s growth is slowing and the price of oil has brought several markets to a halt, but our research shows that there are additional issues in play. Many companies are not getting the return out of their investments in CRM, have asked their hunters to farm to make productivity look better, and have not adequately developed the ability to quantify the sales potential that exists in their accounts. We have relied on M&A to show top-line revenue growth, and cut for synergy after the transaction to show improved profitability, changing our core competencies from organizational growth to contraction.
In order to get business growing again at a healthy rate, Aon has identified two foundational competencies that must be re-built together. Segmentation of customers based on predictive, external data, not just internal, historical data creates a map of where all of the opportunity exists in the market. Specialization of sales roles allows a company to recruit specific skills at a manageable cost and deploy them against the right customers. Separately, these two processes can help challenged companies grow. Used together, they can create breakthrough growth. In this session, Aon will use real company case studies to lay out multiple methods and examples for segmenting customers and specializing sales roles for growth.