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Cold outreach – the sales force’s efforts to attract new prospects through proactive calling and messaging – has never been easy, but a growing number of pundits now say cold outreach is dead. They are quick to point out that email platforms, including Google and Microsoft, are implementing more stringent...Read more
This webcast provides a first look at recently concluded research on corporate practices in sales performance management. It examines a set of core management practices important to guiding and supporting sales organization productivity, including resource and goal allocation, incentive design and management, performance reporting and analytics, and data management. The...Read more
Sales organizations often struggle with forecasting. Keeping up with forecasting's administrative demands often drains valuable selling time away from the sales force, and more often than not fails to yield accurate results. Most firms consider their sales forecasting efforts ineffective. In this session we consider fundamental approaches essential to sound...Read more
The Sales Management Association’s incentive compensation plan template library provides spreadsheet templates for commonly used sales compensation plans. Members may find this library useful as a starting point when customizing their own sales organization’s sales compensation plans. These templates may be used by current members at the corporate and individual...Read more
Sales activity metrics form the basis of a scientific approach to sales productivity, but in making decisions, most sales organizations substitute gut feel or unchallenged assumptions for data. In this webcast, we consider actionable approaches for improving management insights into sales activity, and describe practical approaches for modeling workload and...Read more
This research explores management practices related to territory design and optimization. It identifies how organizations assign salesperson responsibilities for prospects, customers, and geographies. The research quantifies management’s satisfaction with current approaches, emerging trends in territory planning, and best practice approaches for optimizing salesperson assignments. 30pps. with exhibits.... You must be...Read more
This research explores management practices related to territory design and optimization. It identifies how organizations assign salesperson responsibilities for prospects, customers, and geographies. The research quantifies management’s satisfaction with current approaches, emerging trends in territory planning, and best practice approaches for optimizing salesperson assignments.... You must be a member to...Read more
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