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Sales forces are change-intensive organizations, as are the markets and customers they serve. This research reviews critical change management practices in business-to-business sales forces, focusing on management's efforts to anticipate and lead high impact change initiatives. Research outcomes include the degree and speed of change facing sales organizations, sales organization's...Read more
Business-to-business sales forces confront a "customer experience gap" born from the suddenly widening distance between buyers' expectations and experiences. B2B buyers now want two things they're accustomed to from consumer experiences, but that most B2B suppliers can't do simultaneously: accurate, on-demand answers addressing their unique issues, and interactions across a...Read more
This post is part two of a three-part series. In our last blog, we revealed many of the snarly situational factors that get in the way of coaching. The good news is that coaching obstacles are not insurmountable, and there are ways to improve sales performance in a meaningful, sustainable...Read more

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