Quantifying CRM’s ROI

18 December 2019


CRM applications are anchoring technology investments for the sales function, and a centralized platform that affects all in the sales organization. This research examines the specific functional attributes of CRM that offer value to salespeople and managers. It quantifies adoption, value delivery, and ROI associated with firms’ CRM investments, and identifies management priorities, improvement opportunities, and emerging trends among firms using CRM.

Condition of Participation

Research participants are asked to complete an online survey lasting approximately 12 minutes, and may optionally elect to participate in a brief telephone follow-up interview.

Participation Eligibility

The study is open to management practitioners responsible for developing, supporting, or managing a sales force, and who are involved with assessing, selecting, implementing, managing, or optimizing CRM installations in their firm. Target participants are involved in planning, sales effectiveness, sales operations, IT, executive sales leadership, or strategy in organizations with at least US$1 million in annual revenue, which directly employ at least 10 salespeople, and which do not market technology, products, or services to sales organizations as a core offering.

Benefits of Participation

  • A copy of the findings report on this research topic
  • An invitation to a Sales Management Association webcast in which initial findings are presented to our audience, in Q4 2023.


Survey results are only reported in aggregate, and never in a way that would compromise the identity of any single respondent. All individual respondent data are treated with strict confidentiality, and will not be distributed.

Research Underwriting

This research is undertaken by Sales Management Association as a standing research initiative, without the involvement of a commercial underwriter.

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