Transforming the Sales Force

12 March 2024


Few functions within the firm confront as much change as sales organizations. In the past five years, they’ve adapted to a global pandemic, then an uneven return to normalcy; they’ve been whipsawed by sudden spikes in demand and product supply, uncertain labor markets and worker shortages, and the introduction of new generative AI tools, technology creating fresh waves of disruption.

Firms often react to these disruptions with wholesale change initiatives with the stated goal of “transforming” the sales function. Transformation initiatives might focus on sales force strategy, organization, routes to market, value propositions, and sales messaging, and a host of other tactical revisions to training, performance measures, sales processes, and incentives. And while these sorts of initiatives have been part of sales organizations for decades, many believe they are increasing in scale, urgency, and frequency.

In this session we consider the state of sales transformation by looking at the change drivers affecting large sales forces, and prevalent solutions being implemented by many firms. Topics include:

  • Drivers of sales force transformation
  • Adaptive models for sales forces in transition
  • New sales organization models
  • The impact of generative AI on personal selling: near and mid term outlooks
  • Successful sales transformations: their characteristics and effectiveness drivers
  • Best practices in leading sales organization change initiatives
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