Sales Learning and Development’s New Success Metrics

7 June 2022


Measuring sales training effectiveness is notoriously tricky. In the past, sales trainers used activity or completion statistics as weak substitutes for training outcomes. These offer unconvincing arguments for sales training’s ROI.

Today, much about sales training is changing, beginning with a shift away from classroom training. And, most firms now embrace “learning and development” as a term that better describes the broader context and multiple delivery modes used to build sales expertise. These new approaches are changing learning and development’s cost structure while facilitating innovation, speed, and improved quality in how salespeople learn.

With these changes come new approaches for measuring learning and development’s impact, outcomes, and return on investment. This session focuses on how leading organizations are quantifying sales L&D’s cost, impact, and value to the organization. Session presenters highlight new sales learning metrics, and illustrate how progressive sales organizations are recasting learning investments for maximum impact.

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