Sales managers can have an outsized impact on the sales organization’s performance. Why then, do so many companies invest so little in sales manager training? Firms that skimp on sales manager training forgo a critical opportunity to impact overall sales force effectiveness. In this Sales Management Association webcast we outline...Read more
Sales organizations are constantly innovating. In this webcast, we review three recent practices generating attention from leading sales organizations and solutions providers. These include sales playbooks, portals, and sales enablement platforms. Presented by Callidus/iCentera’s Craig Nelson, Vice President of Sales Enablement, this webcast provides specific examples, documents best practices, advises...Read more
Effective quota-setting programs are essential for growth planning, strategy, enabling productivity, and measuring results. Drawing from Better Sales Comp Consultants' recently-concluded research on sales operations’ quota-setting practices, this webcast features insights on what’s working for sales operations practitioners. Presenters include BSCC's Ted Briggs and Clinton Gott, and Fred Sass, Director of Product Marketing at Varicent Software....Read more
Many sales organizations embrace coaching as an essential sales management role. With good reason: coaching's impact on sales force effectiveness and salesperson development has a tangible impact matched by few other management activities. Yet even those organizations that make sales coaching a priority sometimes struggle with how best to measure...Read more
Performance reporting provides an essential tool for salespeople and the managers directing them. In this Sales Management Association webcast, we present an overview of top reporting tips and best practices for accelerating sales performance and management effectiveness. Speakers will discuss specific examples of how reporting activities drive effective sales performance...Read more
In this Sales Management Association webcast, we provide sales leaders with insight into common pricing related challenges, suggest ways to integrate strategic pricing principles within a sales management framework, and provide best-practice insight on leading firms' use of pricing to optimize sales effectiveness. Presented by Alejandro Erasso and Matthias Linnenkamp...Read more
Based on a global study of more than 1,000 professionals, AchieveGlobal's Survey of Sales Effectiveness provides research-based insight into sales activities that generate results. In this Sales Management Association webcast, AchieveGlobal's Mark Fears and Mark Marone report key findings from the study, and their implications for sales leadership. Join us...Read more

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