Matrix Partners' David Skok recently presented at Boston's Lean Startup Circle on "Building a Sales and Marketing Machine." His insights, captured in this blog post and this SlideShare presentation deck, focus on customer acquisition, and utilize mostly B2C web-based business examples. But the larger insights apply to B2B sales organizations...Read more
[This is the first in a series called Voice of the Manager, featuring guest posts from member practitioners. This post is authored by Nicholas Kontopoulos, Director Global Marketing at SAP. -ed.] I am passionate about fusing innovative business processes with technology. I have to be: that’s the only way the...Read more
Sales Management Association underwriter The TAS Group advises clients on Sales Performance Automation – a “salesperson centric approach to increasing revenue, improving sales forecasts and metrics, and continually reinforcing best practices.” SPA uses technology to enable sales methodology, and deliver just-in-time training to salespeople when it matters the most – at the...Read more

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