In the final blog of OpenSymmetry’s seven-part blog series on effective sales compensation plan design, we’re looking at how to manage all kinds of deals — even the unforeseen deal. To read the entire blog series, start with blog one. Rewarding significantly large sales is a challenge for any business....Read more
This blog is a continuation of a seven-part series by OpenSymmetry for the Sales Management Association. In the sixth blog, we’re sharing our insights on what it takes to have a customer-centric approach to plan design. To read the entire blog series, start with blog one. Customer-centricity in plan design...Read more
In part five of OpenSymmetry’s seven-part blog series on effective sales compensation plan design, we’re looking at the impact that an “agile” sales comp plan can have on sales performance. To read the entire blog series, start with blog one. When we think about the term agility, it is usually...Read more
In part four of OpenSymmetry’s seven-part blog series on effective sales compensation plan design, we’ll discuss the power of an optimized payout curve and how to establish one. To start from the beginning of the series, follow this link to blog one. Incentive compensation payout curves are a challenging component...Read more
In this blog series, sales performance management (SPM) consulting firm OpenSymmetry explored key sales compensation plan design components and considerations for team-based incentivization. Continuing in the third installation of this series, we’ll examine different scenarios for which measuring sales performance by revenue and by margin are the most appropriate. All...Read more
OpenSymmetry and Sales Management Association continue to explore the many facets of sales compensation plan design in part two of our seven-part blog series, which focuses on team-based sales incentivization. To read more about sales compensation plan design basics, check out part one of the series here. There’s no one-size-fits-all...Read more

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