Sales Territory Optimization and Management

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Research Brief | 20 May 2018

This research explores management practices related to territory design and optimization. It identifies how organizations assign salesperson responsibilities for prospects, customers, and geographies. The research quantifies management’s...

Research | 23 January 2010

Businesses invest heavily in deploying field forces to service customers and increase revenues. Field resources may expand or decrease depending on business conditions, but the central challenge remains the same. It’s...

Companion Exhibits | 04 June 2018

This research explores management practices related to territory design and optimization. It identifies how organizations assign salesperson responsibilities for prospects, customers, and geographies. The research quantifies management’s...

Courses and Conference Archives

Courses | 01 January 2019

Fundamentals of Sales Territory Optimization and Management Well designed and managed sales territories allow firms to maximize sales...

Conference Archives | 19 October 2011

Management's impact on sales productivity begins before the first sales call is made, when the sales deployment model is established. Sales...

Conference Archives | 14 October 2015

Faced with shifting sales territories, a growing sales force, and exploding demand, DocuSign’s sales territories were a deployment...

Conference Archives | 26 October 2016

How do firms optimize existing resources when facing deployment decisions such as: How many sales reps do we need? Who should call on which...

Conference Archives | 17 October 2017

As North America’s leading provider of vehicle remarketing services, Manheim connects buyers and sellers to an extensive wholesale...

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