
Conference Schedule

Venue 1
  • All
  • Boynton Auditorium GBS 130
  • Delta Classroom GBS 208
8:15 am to 8:55 am
Tue 12 Mar

Registration and Coffee

Registration desk opens at 8:15 a.m. Coffee and a light breakfast will be served.  
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Tue 12 Mar

Competing on Sales Talent

Sales organizations in many sectors are suddenly finding salesperson hiring and retention more difficult. This seems to be due in part to one of the pandemic’s enduring impacts: redrawn expectations of employers from many workers. These changing expectations are amplified by the workforce’s younger-skewing demographics, and its shrinking supply. In a sellers’ labor market, sales...
11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Tue 12 Mar

Sales Leadership’s New Priorities

Sales leaders are adapting to an unprecedented amount of uncertainty, disruption, and change. Consider just the past five years – a period which saw sales forces roiled by the abrupt onset of a global pandemic, and then an uncertain recovery with accompanying swings in demand, supply shortages, and financial markets. Compounding these challenges: an uncertain...
1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Tue 12 Mar

Transforming the Sales Force

Few functions within the firm confront as much change as sales organizations. In the past five years, they’ve adapted to a global pandemic, then an uneven return to normalcy; they’ve been whipsawed by sudden spikes in demand and product supply, uncertain labor markets and worker shortages, and the introduction of new generative AI tools, technology...
3:30 pm to 5:00 pm
Tue 12 Mar

The Changing Role of Incentives in Sales Performance Management

Sales compensation represents the largest single marketing investment made by business-to-business firms, and a notoriously difficult challenge for many. In this session, presenters explore the essential elements of effective incentive compensation strategies for sales organizations. They provide insights into managing global sales incentives, the information flows critical to sales performance management, and the emerging practices...
5:15 pm to 6:30 pm
Tue 12 Mar

Networking Reception

Enjoy a drink and network with other conference attendees.
9:00 am to 10:00 am
Wed 13 Mar

Collaborative Business Planning: The Coca-Cola Company’s Innovation in Sales Effectiveness

Sales forces often struggle to align their objectives with demonstrable value creation from customers’ perspective. This challenge is acute in key and strategic customer accounts, where misaligned objectives or weak account plans can disrupt substantial revenue streams. Since 2015, The Coca-Cola Company has been attacking this challenge with investments in an innovative planning capability led...
10:00 am to 11:00 am
Wed 13 Mar

Bold Futures in Sales Technology

Technology has profoundly changed the sales function over the past four decades, but many observers believe the most substantial technology-driven impact is currently on our doorstep, in the form of generative AI. Experience has shown that sales organizations are more likely to integrate technology into adapted sales roles, rather than replace sales workers wholesale with...
11:20 am to 2:30 pm
Wed 13 Mar

Workshop: Implementing a Competitive Fitness Model for Sales Coaching Effectiveness

Would you hire an athletic coach who planned to interact with players only during games? Probably not, since you’d expect an effective coach to guide players in practice, conditioning, strategy, and other activities that prepare athletes to perform at a high level. Yet many sales organizations — whose members also compete in a performance-based profession...
11:20 am to 2:30 pm
Wed 13 Mar

Workshop: Sales Process and Pipeline Management

Sales organizations improve performance by using formalized sales processes. But many firms’ attempts to instill sales process discipline fall far short of expectation. These shortcomings often surface when managers attempt to understand sales pipelines, or to gain insight into the status of pending opportunities. These two activities, sales process and sales pipeline management, are considered...

#SFPC in numbers



Workshops, Panels, and Keynotes





